For those who have bad credit, they might find it hard to get approved for a regular credit card. Nowadays, there are several options for them as well. One of these is the prepaid cash card.
Public Bank Debit CardFor prepaid debit card user, they can only spend the money within their account, which means that the money they have in the account is the credit limit in purchasing process. It is important for those who can’t control over the desire of purchase and ends up with bankrupt due to the credit cards debt. They will not longer suffer in the debt while using the prepaid debit card.
Besides, there are getting more and younger consumer declares to bankrupt year by year, it is a issue that we should concern. By applying the prepaid debit card for their children, parents can do more on control on their spending.
There are several advantages as well as disadvantages of getting prepaid debit cards, which will be further explained.
For advantages, it is available for just about anyone over the age of 18. So if they have the history of poor credit, it will be a smart choice for them. They can use the card instead of carrying around cash, it is more safety especially in high crime rate area. Besides, most of the prepaid debit cards are issued through Visa or MasterCard, which means they are widely accepted around the world. Since the credit limit is determined by the balance on the card, the user do not have to make monthly payments which is really annoying the credit cards user nowadays and they can free
from the hassle of bills and potential late fees.
However, there are disadvantage for prepaid debit card as well. Many prepaid debit cards come with a number of attached fees, which means that the user might be charged an application fee, as well as a fee for monthly maintenance. Some also include a charge every time the user makes a purchase which can be a big amount afterwards.
So for the viewers, prepaid debit card might be a great choice for you but please remember that you still have to control your desire of purchase to prevent the continuous decline in the money of the bank account.
Maybank Debit Card
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